Euro Youth 2022

On Wednesday 6th a players training session will be organized from 19:00 to 22:00.
U21: 3C / Free Game / 5 Pin / Biathlon 3C-5P National Teams
U17 (small tables): 3C
By National Federations.
Although the risk of cancellation of these events, in these COVID-19 times, is almost neglectable, CEB nor the organizers assume any liability and cannot be held responsible for any costs or damages, concerning the booking of flights and accommodation or other, related to the participation to these events. It is the sole responsibility of the traveler/participant to be properly insured.
Residence Hotel St. John Desio
Via Lombardia 66
20033 Desio (MB)
Tel. 0362.306.725
Fax 0362.307.799
Single 60
Double 80
Triple 110
Including Internet, breakfast and parking
P.zza Martiri di Fossoli 18
20832 DESIO (MB)
m. +39 347 8218536
Single 50
Double 70
Triple 90
Including breakfast (without is 48/66/84)