Legal representative
Confédération Européenne de Billard
Legal-Seat: Lausanne/Switzerland - Ville Olympique
CEB - Confédération Européenne de Billard
Maison du Sport International
Av. de Rhodanie 54
1007 Lausanne
Afterwards called representatives
Legal notice / User requirements
The representatives are endeavouring to put accurate information and data topically at disposal on their website. However, a legal responsibility or guarantee for the topicality, correctness and completeness of the information and data placed at disposal is excluded. This is also as well valid for all other directly or indirectly indicated websites, also for those to which is referred by means of a hyperlink. The representatives are in no way responsible for the content of such websites which can be reached by means of those links.
Over and above that the representatives are not legally liable neither for direct nor for indirect damages, including missed profit, which are arising from using the information or data which can be find on this website. Rights and duties between the representatives and the users of this website or third parties are excluded, either.
The representatives reserve for themselves to carry out changes or supplements of the provided information or data or to delete them completely at any time without any prior announcement.
The members of the Confédération Européenne de Billard (CEB), the national federations and their sub-divisions are allowed to use data for their own, internal sporting area without any particular authorization. Changing, distribution outside the aforesaid sporting area and an economic exploitation of the data/contents is only permitted with an express authorization of the CEB.
All information or data, the use of them and the registration for the CEB-website of the CEB as well as all actions, the toleration or the omission connected with the CEB-website of the CEB are exclusively subject to German law. As place where this is to be fulfilled and as exclusive court of jurisdiction, in so far that this is legally authorized, Germany, Bottrop is in force as being agreed upon with the use. By using these websites the user is accepting thesegeneral terms of business.
In case that these general terms of business now or in the future offend entirely or partly against public law which has to be accepted, they will have to be changed/amended in a way that they will be as close as possible to that which was initially desired in view of the laws.
© Confédération Européenne de Billard