LONGONI NEXT GEN: Registrations for the last GP 3C U21 are open on CEB website. Deadline on July 3rd. The updated Longoni Next Gen ranking after this last GP will be used to assign 3 wild cards for the next European Championship Individual. (https://www.eurobillard.org/events/longoni%20gp%203-cushion%20u21-343.html#infos)
CALENDAR NEWS SPORT SEASON 23/24: European Championships 3C Ladies Individual and National Teams have been added to CEB calendar. The two events will take place together in Turkey (Ankara, TBF Complex) in March 2024. Individual: 14th and 15th March, National Teams:16th and 17th March.
KLADNO 5-PINS EVENT 2023: athletes can register directly with the organizers. Deadline is June 30th. All informations are published here (https://www.eurobillard.org/events/bc%20kladno%202023-394.html).
COUPE D'EUROPE 3C IN PORTO: Groups and training schedule are published on CEB website. We remind to federations and participant teams that the only dress code allowed is the B (Long sleeves polo shirt etc..) Kindly check out the full details on the info page (https://www.eurobillard.org/events/coupe%20deurope%203c%20qual%20and%20finals-337.html).
PERMISSION TO PLAY FOR COUPES D'EUROPE 2023/2024: It's now possible to register the permissions to play for the next sport season on CEB website (deadline August 31st 2023). We remind that this is mandatory to allow the participation of foreign players in club teams. This is valid for the all 3 Coupes d'Europe Clubs: 3-Cushion, Classics and 5-Pins.
3-CUSHION TRAINING CAMP FOR WOMEN: we remind the deadline for registrations: June 30th 2023. All informations are published on CEB website: (https://www.eurobillard.org/news/3-cushion-ladies-training-camps-298.html).