Two years after his first victory, Dick JASPERS has reoffended this year at the invitation tournament Lausanne Billard Master. An apotheosis final against Frédéric CAUDRON, the new world champion 3-cushion. Final score 40 to 24 in 16 innings. The 2017 podium is 100% European, with for the bronze medal Marco ZANETTI (IT) and Daniel SANCHEZ (ES). The final ranking at the Lausanne Billard Masters 2017: 1 Dick Jaspers 2 Frédéric Caudron 3 Dani Sánchez - Marco Zanetti 5 Torbjörn Blomdahl 6 Jérémy Bury 7 Jae-Ho Cho 8 Nikos Polychronopoulos 9 Dong-Koong Kang 10 Ten Muy Ma 11 Michael Boulaz 12 Fernando Couto.