The 2023 edition of the Coupe d'Europe 5-Pins for Club Teams come to its end today in the Ikast Billard Klub (Denmark, Ikast) crowning the team of DOS Roeselare (Belgium) as new reigning Champion. Silver medal was awarded to BK Grøndal (Denmark). Freisacker BC (Germany) and CMO Morangis (France) got a bronze medal.
The DOS Roeselare line-up: Kim Hendriksen, Maxime Jublot, Gianluca Memmi, Peter Debaes, Patrick Engelbos.
In the semifinals Danish team of BK Grøndal won by a clear 3-0 score against the CMO Morangis (France). The second semifinal was an exciting fight. German BC Freisacker won one single and the double thus taking an advantage by 2-1 and postponing the final outcome to the relay. It was then the Belgian team of Roeselare who reached the relay finish line before the Germans and won the match by 3-2.
The final between BK Grøndal and DOS Roeselare was a thrilling and uncertain match. At first they won one single match each and the double was in favor of the Belgians thus scoring 2-1. Once again a relay was needed to decide the final winner and Coupe d'Europe 5-Pins 2023 Champion. The Belgians took the lead from the start and mantained it by a short gap during the first two frames. Danes trailed closely and even tied the match in the third frame by 129-129. From this point onward Roeselare took again the lead scoring massively in the fourth frame and increasing the gap up to a 200-153 for a final score of 4-1.
All results on the CEB info page.
The podium and the semifinalists.
(Photos by Ikast Billard Klub)